воскресенье, 1 ноября 2009 г.

Лето (FTTC39)

Лето мое самое любимое время года и я люблю вспоминать о нем и серой дождливой осенью, и холодной вьюжной зимой.
Моя сегодняшняя открытка это тоже воспоминание о лете, о памятных моментах прошедших каникул.
Скетч "по мотивам" - солянка сборная из нескольких скетчей, найденных в моих хомячьих запасах.
Открытка получилась в сельском стиле - клеточки-салфеточки, но довольно симпатичная.

Использованы: бумага для пастели разной плотности, бумага в клетку напечатана на принтере, штамп от Flourishes, изображение раскрашено карандашами "Prismacolor", дырокол для края "овал", ленточка.

16 комментариев:

  1. So beautiful and your papers are perfect for your lovely image!!!
    Hugs xx

  2. What a perfect lacy border for these lovely strawberries!! Great choice of DP too, this is beautiful Elena!

  3. Beautiful!!! Love how you used the border punch!!!! Thanks so much for playing FTTC this week!!

  4. I like summer too!
    And what a beautiful card you created! Great paper choice and love your idea with a border punch!

  5. Ваша карточка сегодня за лето и памятные моменты прошлых праздников Nice! Это напомнило мне опубликовать некоторые лет фотографии в ближайшие дни в моем блоге путешествий!
    Hi Elena. Your today's card for the summer and the memorable moments of past holidays is nice! It reminded me to post some summer pictures in the next few days in my travelling blog!

  6. Oh this is so pretty!!! Love how you used the punches!!!! This is one of my fav Flourishes Sets and you've made it look wonderful!!!

    Thank you for playing with us and I hope to see you again tomorrow?!?! Hugs ~S~

  7. Fabulous blog, love the photos and thank you for becoming one of my followers, I do so want to wish you good luck in my draw. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxxxxxxx

  8. How lovely! The strawberries look good enough to eat! Beautiful card, Elena!

  9. Really pretty, love those beautiful papers and your lacy border. Hugs from (((Lyn)))

  10. Just had a lovely look around,
    your work is wonderful
    Thank You for taking the time to answer my question about tissue for candles, much appreciated,
    Talking of tissue did you see the tissue roll cover I have as candy

  11. This is gorgeous. Love the design, colours and the little details which finishes it off beautifully. Makes me want to go out and buy some strawberry preserves.

  12. Beautiful strawberries Elena, such perfect papers too :) Donna x

  13. Please pop over to my blog, I have a little Award for you

    So glad your candy arrived okay!


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