А пока - спасибо всем посетителям моего блога. Огромная благодарность моим друзьям, оставляющим свои теплые комментарии для меня. Эти цветы - для вас.
I have found out that on my blog there were 2000 visitors. It is reached for 8 months of existence my blog (I bad blogger). I hope, that by November the quantity of visitors and the followers will increase (I shall try to update more often the blog) and then to be "blog candy". For this purpose will be 3 (and I hope, as 4) the reasons, but about it later... For now - thanks all visitors of mine blog. Huge gratitude to my friends leaving the kind comments for me. These flowers - for you.
Congratulations on 2000 hits! It is always a pleasure to visit your beautiful blog!
ОтветитьУдалитьWow 2000? That's awesome! I should come by more often now that I am on high speed. LOL I will try to do better and maybe get you to 2,500???
ОтветитьУдалитьI left you a goody on my blog!
ОтветитьУдалитьCon'grats on the 2000 hits... Always LOVE my visits! And your "sweet" creations.... SMILES Elena!!
ОтветитьУдалитьI love visiting your blog. Thank you for the pretty flowers and this hug is for you!!!