четверг, 19 февраля 2009 г.

понемногу обо всем

Вчера случилось невероятное - я выиграла Blog Candy от Stampavie! Jessica разыграла этот леденец на своем блоге. И из 222 участников повезло именно мне! До сих пор в это верю с трудом, ибо никогда нигде не выигрывала. Надеюсь, удача меня не покинет и впредь, а пока с нетерпением жду мой ENTIRE Oooh La La Collection from Leere Aldrich courtesy of Stampavie!

Теперь настало время передать полученные мной недавно награды.

Эту награду я хочу передать






Yesterday happens improbable - I have won Blog Candy from Stampavie! Jessica has played this sugar candy on the блоге. And from 222 participants has carried to me! Till now in it I trust hardly for never anywhere did not win. I hope, success will not leave me and henceforth for now with impatience I wait mine ENTIRE Oooh La La Collection from Leere Aldrich courtesy of Stampavie!

Now I wish to transfer the award received by me to the listed ladies.

6 комментариев:

  1. Thank you so much! Very sweet of you! I wish I could read your blog! Thanks again for your thoughtfulness!

  2. Елена!!! Congratulations!!! Thank you for sharing this fantastic news!!!

  3. Congratulations on your win - yippeee!! & thanks so much sweetie for the award - I can't wait to put it on my blog, big hugs! Steph xxx

  4. Con'grats on winning some BLOG CANDY!!!! A warm and fuzzy feeling inside I'm sure... and more stamping fun!! Smiles... :)

  5. Well done on winning the blog candy, hope you enjoy your new things.

  6. Congratulations on winning!! Hooray!!

    You are such a sweety! Thank you for passing on the award to me and my blog!! I'm so thrilled that someone from around the globe visits me!! You are too kind!!


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